Payment Request API

Support for Alipay, WeChat Pay, UnionPay

线下支付订单接口用于带有扫码设备的收银终端进行对接,商户输入金额后要求客户出示支付码,用扫码枪扫码后将扫码内容和金额一并提交并完成支付操作。 线下支付订单接口现已兼容微信、支付宝通道

Passive Payment is used for cashier terminals which can scan BarCode or QRCode. Shop staff input the payment amount and ask customers for their payment code, then system send price and payment code to server and finish the payment. Retail Passive Payment now support Alipay and WeChat Pay, and UnionPay

线下 QRCode 支付用于对接无扫码设备的收银终端,下单后得到二维码地址,自行生成二维码图片后展示在收银终端屏幕上,并由用户使用对应支付客户端进行扫码支付。 线下QRCode 现已同时兼容支付宝、微信客户端进行支付

Retail Active Payment is used for cashier terminals which cannot scan Barcode or QRCode. Get the Code url after create the order, convert this url to a QRCode and ask customers use their app to scan this QRCode then finish the payment. Retail Active Payment now support Alipay, WeChat



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