API for In-Store Channels(via Merchant POS/Terminal)

Support WeChat Pay, Alipay, UnionPay with Active mode and Passive mode


1️ 使用场景一(用户扫商家的收款二维码)

SCENE ONE(Customer Scan the QR code)

  • 在 POS 机上点击收款,选择 OTTPAY 服务

Press pay button on POS and choose OTTPAY channel

  • 生成付款二维码

Generate order QR Code

  • 手机扫码完成付款

Customer Scan QR Code with their payment App to pay

2️ 使用场景二(商家使用扫码设备扫描用户的付款二维码)

SCENE TWO(Merchant use scanner to Scan the customers’ QR code)

*️ 打开微信/支付宝客户端付款码,使用扫码枪扫码

Customer show their payment QR Code in their apps and merchant use a scanner to scan the QR Code

*️ 调用 OTTPAY 接口完成收款

Call OTTPAY API to finish payment

Last updated