Payment Request API
✅ Process Flow Diagram
✅ API Request Parameters(HTTP-Request-Body )
Params Name | Description | Required | Notes |
action | Action name (Constant Value) | Y | “CC_PURCHASE” / “CC_PREAUTH” (for pre-authorization) |
version | Version number | Y | "2.0" |
merchant_id | Merchant ID | Y | Provided by OTT Pay |
data | Encrypted Transaction Data | Y | See "Data" table below |
md5 | Message Digest | Y |
☑️ Request Example(JSON Data):
☑️ Data(JSON Data, to be encrypted):
Params Name | Description | Required | Notes |
orderId | Order ID | N | String, Order ID should be unique, it could be generated by OTTPAY or generated by client’s code with no more than of 20 numbers and alphabets |
merchant_id | Merchant ID | Y | String, Provided by OTTPAY |
operator_id | Operator ID | O | String, provided by OTTPay |
txnTime | Transaction Time | Y | String, format “yyyyMMddHHmmss” |
txnAmt | Transaction Amount | Y | String, "100" for 1.00 dollar |
cc_number | Card Number | O | String |
frontUrl | Redirect notification | O | String, e.g. |
backUrl | Call back URL | Y | String, e.g: |
channelType | UnionPay Payment Channel identity | Y | "UPAYONLINE" |
biz_type | Message Digest | Y | " securePay" |
cc_channelType | Payment Channel | Y | "mobile" |
☑️ Data Example(JSON Data):
✅ API Response Parameters(HTTP-Response-Body)
Params Name | Description | Required | Notes |
rsp_code | Response code | Y | refer to Appendix B |
rsp_msg | Response message | Y | |
data | Encrypted Data | Y | See "Data" table below |
md5 | Message Digest | Y |
☑️ Response Example(JSON Data):
☑️ Transaction Data(JSON format, After decrypted)
Params Name | Description | Required | Notes |
respcode | rsp Code | Y | Returned by the Payment Service Provider (e.g. "PROCESSING") |
respmsg | response Message | Y | e.g. "User paying" |
amount | amount | Y | String(e.g. 100 for 1.00 dollars) |
☑️ Data Example(JSON Data, after decrypted):
✅ API Call Back (HTTP-POST)
Once API server finished the request process, it will send back process status to specified URL which been set up as field of 'call_back_url' within above API request parameters.
☑️Message Payload Parameters Level (HTTP-Response-Body)
Params Name | Description | Required | Notes |
rsp_code | Response code | Y | refer to Appendix B |
rsp_msg | Response message | Y | |
merchant_id | Merchant ID | Y | |
data | Encrypted Transaction Data | Y | See "Data" table below |
md5 | Message Digest | Y |
☑️ Call-Back Message Example(JSON Data):
☑️ Transaction Data (JSON format, after decrypted)
Params Name | Description | Required | Notes |
finish_time | Payment time | Y | yyyyMMddHHmmss (Beijing time) |
order_id | Order ID | Y | |
amount | Transaction amount | Y | String(e.g. "100" for 1.00 dollars) |
tip | tip | Y | String(e.g. "100" for 1.00 dollars) |
bizpay_order_id | order id from Acquirer | Y | Returned by the Payment Service Provider (e.g. WeChat Pay, Alipay) |
merchant_id | Merchant ID | Y | Provided by OTT Pay |
☑️ Data Example(JSON Data, after decrypted):
Last updated