Payment Request with Alipay

For Alipay on PC-Browser

The format and introduction of payment request link as followed:××××&merchantId=××××&orderId=××××&operId=×××××&amount=××××&returnURL=××××&notifyURL=××××&submit_type=xxxx&remarks=xxxx

merCode is the payment code for merchants, it is generated with 16 digits random rode. Once a merchant starts OTTPAY payment service, OTTPAY operation team will send this code through welcome email.

merchantId is a merchant ID created by OTTPAY. Once a merchant starts OTTPAY payment service, OTTPAY operation team will send this ID through welcome email.

orderId is a customized order ID provided by merchant. Once an order is placed, merchant need to send this order ID.

Amount is the order amount. Once the customer places the order, the merchant need to send the amount.

Note: All the monetary measurement unit in API are CENT, which means 1 dollar = 100

operId is an operator number with 10-digit created by OTTPAY. Once a merchant starts OTTPAY payment service, OTTPAY operation team will send this ID through welcome email.

returnURL is the link to the order processing page to be displayed by the merchant after the payment request is returned, which is defined by the merchant according to its own business needs. That is, after payment is completed, Alipay redirects back to this page of the merchant's website. It is required to have it Base64 encoded in the request.

(Base64 encoded value of

notifyURL is the callback URL of the merchant, that is, the link with the payment result from OTTPAY. It is required to have it Base64 encoded in the request.

(Base64 encoded value of

submit_type is the flag for response format. If submit_type=”scan”, OTT Pay will return a dynamic link, else if submit_type=”form”, OTT Pay will return HTML form.

remarks for the transaction input by client


The next action: redirect to Payment Request Link and start to pay

<form id="alipaysubmit" name="alipaysubmit" action="" method="get"><input type="hidden" name="secondary_merchant_industry" value="5734"/><input type="hidden" name="_input_charset" value="utf-8"/><input type="hidden" name="subject" value="(IT)OTTPAYTESTINGPRD"/><input type="hidden" name="sign" value="Wd0nU28k+2Tya716lf3Y338jUDAZGYyFVzebAeMyOJyDQlI7SEZk/QbR5ar/KpQLlmP2Q7A4diaUBepB/lZtTtocVZIsz3S2paz5u/mNmc//eVDp2t3If7yD1ILQ29mIckVSz+OOyFsl97dT4/D9jp892U7EIlszQDkha/OlWIwhFJ6fdxoPbvHDtpXIHXkYz+npu/JAavU4Jkn2SUsXNQMl8pssg8wqEpCPFKvHPl1xt+z+Zh612QXo8a5XdBco8S1pU/JR9cts5Qbo8rfHPRfPhDmHCD8ZNsjgs3VBnU6cGf1rC+v9OoYNwf9Mb3BHbi74gwJBdIz/zrEEDtfbtA=="/><input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value=""/><input type="hidden" name="product_code" value="NEW_OVERSEAS_SELLER"/><input type="hidden" name="secondary_merchant_id" value="ON00000097"/><input type="hidden" name="out_trade_no" value="AL6144562719294777"/><input type="hidden" name="partner" value="2088721517311327"/><input type="hidden" name="service" value="create_forex_trade"/><input type="hidden" name="total_fee" value="0.01"/><input type="hidden" name="secondary_merchant_name" value="ON**97store1(NortrrrrrrrrrhYork)"/><input type="hidden" name="return_url" value=""/><input type="hidden" name="currency" value="CAD"/><input type="hidden" name="sign_type" value="RSA"/><input type="submit" value="OK" style="display:none;"></form><script>document.forms['alipaysubmit'].submit();</script>

The next action: embed and show the form on your page and start to pay

Once API server finished the request process, it will send back process status to specified URL which been set up as field of 'notifyURL' within above API request parameters.

"finish_time":"2020-06-10 23:22:09",
"remarks":"this is a remark"

Last updated