OpenCart PlugIns

We support WeChat Pay, Alipay and UnionPay

PlugIns Setup and Payment Process Flow

☑️ The Download of PlugIn Installation File

1️ Download the above plugin zipped installation file and unzip it as below,

2️ For each payment plugin, there are four folders in the unzipped folder as below.

*️ Upload all of them onto your OpenCart System Root Folder as below,

☑️ The Installation of PlugIns

  1. After upload, you can go to your OpenCart Admin web site, navigating to Extensions -> Extensions -> Choose the extension type -> Payments, you can find these two OTTPAY payment methods: OTT Pay QR Code Payment for WeChat Pay, OTT Pay QR Code Payment For Alipay, OTT Pay QR Code Payment For Union Pay.

  2. Click the green button to Install. After installation, the green button will become red called Uninstall and the Edit button will be enabled.

☑️ Plugins (Extension) Configuration

1️ Navigate to the payment methods provided by OTTPAY, such as OTT Pay QR Code Payment For UnionPay, click Edit button and input the parameters and click Save.

▶️ Available Currency: BOTH(CAD, USD)

▶️ Available Currency: CAD

▶️ Available Currency: USD

  • Merchant ID: provided by OTTPAY

  • Merchant Key: provided by OTTPAY

  • Merchant Code *: provided by OTTPAY

  • Operator ID: provided by OTTPAY

  • Status: select Enabled

  • Debug Mode: select Disabled

  • Default order status: select Pending

  • Finished order status: select Complete

  • Sort order: 1

* Merchant Code is needed to make the payment ONLY in the WeChat browser.

Payment Process Flow with WeChat Pay and Ali Pay

1️ Go to Product page, select the items to your shopping cart.

2️ Click Checkout button when you finish shopping.

*️ Payment method options will be displayed as below, select one and place the order.

👉 OTTPAY Plugin will automatically identify the browser environment to generate a payment QR code in the PC browser or make a payment directly by customer in the mobile browser.

  • If PC Browser, it will generate a payment QR code for payment

  • If Mobile Browser, such as Safari or Chrome, it will activate only Alipay eWallet available for payment

  • If WeChat browser, it automatically activate the eWallet according to the payment method selected by the customer

*️ After payment, The order placed information will bed displayed as below.

Payment Process Flow with Union Pay

1️ Go to Product page, select the items to your shopping cart.

2️ Click Checkout button when you finish shopping.

*️ Payment method options will be displayed as below, select one and place the order.

👉 OTTPAY Plugin will automatically identify the browser environment to pop up Secure Pay webpage in the PC browser or activate Express Pay Wallet App in the mobile browser.

  • If PC Browser, it will pop up a UnionPay Secure Pay Webpage as below,

  • If Mobile Browser, it will activate Union Pay Express Pay eWallet if installed in your mobile.

  • If WeChat browser, it will activate Union Pay Express Pay eWallet if installed in your mobile.

*️ After payment, The order placed information will bed displayed as below.

Last updated