Support both of PC-Browser and Mobile-Browser/WebChat-Browser on Alipay and WeChat Pay
As a known issue of Magento Payment Process as per the following KB,
This issue is with Magento system from 2.3.3 to 2.3.5 latest version. it is suggested to apply the fix of issue if you are using the above system versions.
Note: OTT plugin package current version 2 provided the fix resolution already, you need not apply the fix anymore.
Here is our approach to fix the issue, just for reference. Magento Issue Fix
Go to the root directory of the Magento website, run the following command:
Then you will see Ottpay_Alipay and Ottpay_WeChat are not activated.
sudo php bin/magento module:enable Ottpay_Alipay Ottpay_Wechat
sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Step1: Upload the files to the app/code directory, the directory structure: app/code/Ottpay/…
Step2: Check current status of installed modules/plug-ins
Step3: Activate the Plugins of Ottpay_Alipay and Ottpay_WeChat
Step4: To make sure that the enabled modules are properly registered, run 'setup:upgrade'
Go to Magento Website Admin > Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods
Open Ottpay Settings-Alipay to fill in the configuration information with merchant ID and Operator ID, Merchant Code, Sign key. Please contact Ottpay BD team to get them once singed the service contract.
Open Ottpay Settings-WeChat to fill in the configuration information with merchant ID and Operator ID, Merchant Code, Sign key. Please contact Ottpay BD team to get them once singed the service contract.
Select Payment Methods (WeChat Pay /Ali Pay) as below, and Place Order
Scan the following QR Code displayed, by using WeChat Pay /Ali Pay mobile app
Once finished payment process with WeChat Pay /Ali Pay mobile app, you will see the result information from Magento system.
for version 2.3.3 to version 2.3.5, here is our approach to fix the issue, just for reference.
Under magento system root folder, run the following magneto commands
Restart the web server as below,
Login to Magento Admin Panel
Click two of 'Flush' buttons below to clean the cache of Magento (System – Cache Management)
Re-login and open System Configuration Payment Methods. There are WeChat and Alipay Payment methods, fill the form and save.
Create product in Catalog Manage Products
Add customer in Customers Manage Customers
Create New Order in Sales
Login the front page of Magento and checkout in cart.
WeChat and Alipay’s payment method will be displayed as below, choose one
After placed order, you will see QR code, and you will see the order status if payment succeed.
The order information will be displayed in the Sales Orders